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“Dillane has probably never had a more appealing showcase.”

“It's a throwback, but relaxed, sweet and funny with it: a first feature that makes an impression”

“A fresh, funny and poignant snapshot of ethnic life in London.”

“Well written, beautifully shot and tightly directed – you'd swear that Markou had been making films for years”

“Dillane’s Harry is the heart and soul of why Papadopoulos & Sons feels genuine, not mass-produced and manipulative”

“Ein rundum vergnügliches Feelgood-Movie.”
A thoroughly enjoyable feel good movie

“Είναι ένα συμβολικό έργο, το οποίο ήρθε για να μας θυμίσει πως επιστρέφοντας στην οικογένεια, θα βρούμε ένα ζεστό καταφύγιο από τη τρέλα της καθημερινότητας.”
It is a symbolic work, which came to remind us that returning to the family, we will find a warm refuge from the madness of everyday life.

“ Papadopoulos & Sons is so down to earth and optimistic, that it never brings its audience down, ”

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